My First TPT Sale!

Alright friends! I'm so excited to be having my first TPT sale on my store. Starting tomorrow, April 30th through May 3rd, my entire store will be 15% off... my entire store!
Right now, with the situation we are in, I've included a great resource in my store of teaching a social studies lesson. This lesson is geared towards 2nd-3rd grade and is a great lesson teaching students about a compass rose, and how we can properly use one to find a (in this lesson) content in relation to another, and landforms of South America. The landforms portion of this lesson focuses on mountains, rivers, and oceans. Throughout this lesson, which can be stretched over the span of 3 to 5 days, students will experience learning through the process of gradual release of responsibility. The lesson is taught with a voice over video or a readable slide and then the activity/assessing piece is screencasted and explained to the students on how they will complete the sheet. Included in this social studies lesson is a PDF slideshow including the videos and screen casts, and PDF sheets that go along with each part of the lesson which students will turn in and could be used as assessment pieces of the students' learning.
Secondly included in this amazing sale is my top viewed and downloaded product: Five Senses Graphic Organizer. This graphic organizer is geared towards grades 3 and up and has students really focusing on selecting parts of a reading that has them using one of their senses. After the student has identified a section in the reading, they will then record the part and explain why it applies to their identified sense and write down the page number (this allows for easy correcting and identification when overviewing the student's work) where they found the piece of evidence.
Lastly, I've included some blending/letter identification recording sheets. Let me tell you... These work great for morning work... but even BETTER for work for students to complete on SeeSaw/Google Classroom. This comes with several different sheets which can easily be attached and completed by the student on their digital learning platform using tools such as the pen tool on SeeSaw or the text box. This also is an awesome printable resource for parents. To even further engage students, they could color in the picture (another wonderful way to enhance fine motor skills-- especially as students are doing lots of work on an iPad/computer or digitally!) and the proper blend/letter with the same color. My teacher-brain is already aware that I'd be doing this with my early/fast finishers!

Visit my TPT store here:

Comment below on the great finds you were able to snag during my first store sale and let me know how you plan on using them with your kiddos!
